Social Commitment

At our core, we are activists for a sustainable environment. We have a passion for building science, sustainable material use and Passive House; for protecting the environment and making the world a better place. Being part of the sustainable movement has been a part of the foundation and underpinning of 475, working towards getting voices heard, making sure conversations on achieving an energy-efficient future are moving forward, and ensuring passive house resources are made accessible through the publication of e-books.

We share this sentiment and passion towards sustainability with our partner, Lamilux. Lamilux is on the cutting edge of energy-efficient building products, tailored towards Passive House performance.

LAMILUX receives the “German Design Award 2015” for its highly energy-efficient, passive house-certified glass roof construction.


Sustainability serves as a guideline and focus for their operations: in product development and production methods, product life cycles and product value. Even though the main purpose behind a company may be profit and all attention and energy is focused on achieving it, as a medium-sized family company firmly rooted in its region, LAMILUX sees itself as having a special responsibility towards society. The principles of sustainability and added value for society play a key role in social commitment. LAMILUX was awarded the 2017 SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT-Preis (school and industry award) for the company’s extensive social engagement.